Use customer and distribution network data on a clear, mobile-friendly platform. Built with real-world scenarios in mind so users can problem-solve quickly and effectively.
Prevent errors and spend less time on setup with new, streamlined tools.
Important alerts are shown on every page in the Live Status widget. Alerts are organized by type so users can focus on the most important information.
Ease day-to-day operations with real-time commercial, technical, and payment metrics for every meter.
Important performance and activity metrics are generated automatically. Choose your own reporting period and find the information you need instantly.
In-depth system insights are available right away after meters are installed.
Install Grid Monitors and get an accurate picture of power quality, energy flow and loss calculations across your distribution system.
Complete and centralized API connects ecosystems and automates work..
Control permissions so that team members and partners get only the necessary access.
Customer Insights can be customized to address specific days or periods of time.
Load Profile
Account balances
Voltage profile
Current profile
Tamper State Alerts
Load Profile
Account balances
Voltage profile
Current profile
Tamper State Alerts
Loss analytics allow utilities to compare data from the user connection point and along the distribution grid to analyze losses. These analytics highlight times of day where losses occur, locations on the grid, and the ratio of losses to consumed energy. By accessing this information, utilities can determine what events are causing these losses, plan informed system updates, and immediately measure the performance of those changes.
Totalizer metrics
Hourly energy flows
Daily energy losses
Daily energy losses (% of totalizer energy)
Instant losses by time of day
Instant losses by time of day (% of totalizer load)
Totalizer metrics
Hourly energy flows
Daily energy losses
Daily energy losses (% of totalizer energy)
Instant losses by time of day
Instant losses by time of day (% of totalizer load)
The site uptimes dashboard gives you grid reliability metrics, such as SAIDI, SAIFI, and grid-level uptime analytics.
Outage metrics
Outage distribution
Meters and accounts affected by specific outages
Outage duration & impact
Outage metrics
Outage distribution
Outage duration & impact
Meters and accounts affected by specific outages
Access every possible piece of information about the distribution system, then use that information to take decisive action.
Everything is accessible even with limited or intermittent bandwidth. Users will benefit from increased data availability and lower data usage.
Our connectivity options provide access to more reliable connectivity and prioritization of connection options. Visibility into connectivity allows easy troubleshooting and configuration.
Nova works out of the box. Connect it to Koios via its integrated global SIM card, which comes ready to be activated (coverage depends on location).
You can also use your own local SIM card or connect any ethernet modem.
"Nova is a higher performing, highly reliable hardware solution to relay data to and from the cloud. Payments are transmitted faster and consistently on spotty internet, and the transmission of metering data to the cloud is more immediate and smooth."
"On our remote sites that experience regular outages, Nova is more trustworthy to remain online and reliably alert us about grid events."
"Using Nova has reduced our operational costs by decreasing the need for visits to our sites, using less data allows us to scale down our data bundles, and requires less time spent on verifying information from highly reliable reporting."